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St Andrew's CofE Primary School Shifnal

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Parenting Support

                            The Shropshire SEND local offer is a single place for

         information, services, and resources for children and young people

         aged 0-25 with special educational needs and / or disabilities, their

        families, and the practitioners who support them. It's been designed

       with a family’s needs at the heart of the process.  There is a video, 

       an easy read document and promotional materials to explain the local offer. 


BEAM are an emotional health and wellbeing drop-in service for young people under 25 years old who are registered with a GP in Shropshire, Telford or Wrekin.

The team of experienced wellbeing practitioners and volunteers are there to listen to whatever is troubling you.


Early Help   

 All children and families in Shropshire can access services such as health and education, these are called Universal Services. However, some will need extra support in order to be healthy, safe and to achieve their potential.

Early Help is about children, young people and families getting the right help at the right time, to prevent issues from getting worse.


The Parenting Team

The role of parents and carers is important and can be difficult without the knowledge of appropriate strategies that can be used to deal with everyday parenting challenges. The Parenting Team offers a variety of services to parent/ carers including courses, workshops and an advice helpline.  


Holiday and Activities Food Programme

Shropshire HAF (Holiday Activities and Food) managed by Shropshire Council is an exciting programme of holiday activities for eligible children and young people.

Over the Easter/spring, summer and Christmas/winter holidays, schools, voluntary and community organisations and childcare providers are running holiday clubs across the county.

There are free places available on the HAF programme for children and young people aged four (reception class age) to 16, who are eligible for benefits-related free school meals. 

There are also a limited number of free places available for children and young people on the HAF programme living in areas of high deprivation and/or from low-income households who are not in receipt of benefits related free school meals. These children and young people can be referred onto the programme by a professional.

Find out more about eligibility on our 'Who can access the programme' page.

During the three main school holidays, children and young people are invited to take part in a range of fun activities happening at venues from across the county.  

Funded by the DfE (Department for Education), the aim of the programme is to make holiday activities as accessible and inclusive as possible.


All services can be accessed independently; however, we are more than happy to help, if it is preferred, by contacting Mr Matthew Johnson, Deputy Headteacher / SENDCo